Utmärkelser & bedrifter
Later this early summer, all Tendfor customers will get a revolutionary new Teams app and web interface that will help boost productivity and customer service levels.
For the first time in any native Microsoft Teams contact center, we are offering a truly unified interface that incorporates all of the advanced contact center information and controls, but also essentials like caller ID-based contact views in systems like Dynamics 365.
This gives professional contact center agents total information and... Läs mer »
Based on our performance up until the end of 2022, Tendfor has shown unparalleled growth resulting in industry leading profitability.
This places us in a position where we, just three-and-a-half years after the release of our Microsoft Teams certified contact center SaaS platform, have already been awarded triple A status by Dun & Bradstreet.
Signifying the highest level of creditworthiness and financial stability, this affords our customers and partners confidence in our independence and continued devotion to... Läs mer »
At Tendfor, we would like to thank our amazing customers and partners for another magical year.
It is hard to believe that since the end of 2019 and the release of our unique Microsoft Teams contact center and attendant console, we have achieved milestones like becoming the world’s first all API-based production platform for Microsoft Teams contact center/attendant console, and the first to be Microsoft certified for API-based native Teams contact center, having paying customers in... Läs mer »
Nostalgic to pull the trigger on the last renewal under this program.
Now we hope for an awesome ISV option under the new partner model to emerge this year.
With our co-sell status and our status as certified solution for Microsoft Teams also achieved during this year, we look forward to a continued great cooperation with all our friends within the Microsoft-family all over the world.
You all rock!
We are exceedingly proud to announce that the world’s first ever purely API-based production platform for contact center and attendant console for Microsoft Teams, is now also the first API-based contact center to become certified for Microsoft Teams.
This milestone means that Tendfor is the first (and currently only) contact center certified for Microsoft Teams that works with Microsoft Calling Plans and Operator connect. Naturally we also work with all Direct Routing providers.
Tendfor customers can also... Läs mer »
As a rapidly expanding export organization, with customers and partners in more than 10 national markets, we are proud to announce Tendfor has been chosen by Business Sweden to be part of their export coaching program were we will receive complimentary assistance from one of their seasoned experts on how to best leverage the global market.
Tendfor’s participation is handled from the US Business Sweden branch, and we are thrilled about the insights and tips we... Läs mer »
In our most awaited feature release yet since the launch of Tendfor Teams in late 2019 – we are finally placing the last piece of the native Teams telephony puzzle.
We can now offer full PBX replacement functionality natively in Microsoft Teams without limitations.
With PSTN outbound now in place in the Microsoft Teams API, we will start offering select customers this feature in their production environments starting this week. Another “world’s first” in the impressive row of... Läs mer »
Vi har ju alla väntat på att alla bekymmer under 2020 skall få sin lösning, men för oss på Tendfor så innebär 2021 också en spännande nystart på andra sätt.
Under det senaste året har vi separerat Tendfor helt från alla kopplingar till vår tidigare ägarstruktur och 2021 blir det första året då vi inleder med alla anställda, all teknologi och hela vår snabbt expanderade verksamhet bedriven helt oberoende inom Tendfor AB.
Vi vill ta det här... Läs mer »
Tendfor är nu med i listan över contact center-produkter för Teams som är i certifieringsprocessen.
Än viktigare, Tendfor är den första – och för närvarande enda – telefonist- och contact center-produkten på den listan som möter kraven för den mest intimt integrerade API-baserade certifieringskategorin ”Extend + power”.
Som du kan se i specifikationen av integrationsnivåerna, som nås via länk nedan, betyder detta att Tendfor är det enda systemet som kan verka helt oberoende av tjänsteleverantör som... Läs mer »