Iconic Swedish Telecom-business publication "Telekom idag" featured an article about our Attendant Console and Contact Center client for Skype for Business/Lync that landed on top of their list of this weeks most read pieces.
An article about our Contact Center solution for Skype for Business/Lync in the leading Swedish IT publication Computer Sweden has garnered enough interest to be second most read item!
The whole company took off for Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, to draw up the plans for the further development of our Contact Center and Attendant Console product, Tendfor. We had the most amazing and productive time, which included some fantastic dinners and excursions on the pristine ski slopes of the Dolomites.
Relevo is assisting the number porting services venture SNPAC, jointly owned by the telecom operators, with analysis and development of a new interface. The goal is to offer operators a new and direct access service for system integration with existing number porting processes.
The analysis phase began earlier this year, and we are now working on the challenging development. The project, led by Relevo, is expected to last for at least the remainder of 2013.
We are now launching our major venture, aimed at assembling the tools and platforms needed to help enterprise organizations fully benefit from the possibilities offered by Microsoft Lync.
A few of our senior telecom consultants will spend almost all of their time on this project. Hence, the project, that will span several years, will lead to significantly reduced turnover and profit for Relevo AB in the short term. More information on this exciting project will likely... Read More »